Monday, July 8, 2013

I love Mr Wu.

I just can't hide it!

I should not say it but I will have to admit: Xiao Liwu is probably my favorite panda.

I have seen him grow and now he is almost 1 year old, just like his mum, I can't help but love him.

His name means "little gift" in Chinese, and whoever choose it was inspired that day. I mean, look at him:

He is like a teddy.. that stays on top of a tree all day, and annoys his mum (like a lot!), and likes to sleep, and is afraid of the water.. but still the cutest thing ever.

Also he does love his mum so much! He just can't be away from her, like ever - which is amazing  Bai Yun (his mum) is more than happy to push him away because he needs to learn and grow up and etc - but how could she.

If I could I would just hug him..all day...every day... :)


Panda breeding and new panda cubs!

Panda breeding and new panda cubs!

As 2013 reaches its mid-point, there are a lot of activities in the panda world. As breeding season is on between March and May, and gestation period ranges from 95 to 160 days (according to Wikipedia) - we can wait for an exciting season of new cubs!

Yuan Yuan played her part already as we have a super cute new baby in Taiwan! 

Check out some cuteness overload when mum Yuan Yuan gave birth to her brand new youngster.

Ok.. first few seconds are just a bit confusing (skip them if you are bit squeamish), but if you just wait a little the results are amazing. Its unbelievable how she knows what to do with her little one straight away! <3

We now just have to wait for Lun Lun's little one in Atlanta and, finger's crossed!, a little cub from Tian Tian in Edinburgh. 

Here is how I imagine the Scottish cub:



Friday, September 21, 2012

Stop everything now!

Stop what you are doing World.....Whatever you are doing...NOW!
You only need a minute and 22 seconds off...

There is no such a thing like losing with this little guy. If:
 - You were happy, you are happier now;
 - You were sad, you are happy now;
 - You were busy (like me), you are busier but also happy now :)

Happy Friday! 

Pandinterest.. for all things panda!

Hi all!

Its been a while right? 
I know had a long pause (panda pause!) and in the meantime we had lots of lovely news: 

* The San Diego little cub has gained a lot of weight is now looking like a proper tiny bear! 
* Mei Xiang from Washington's National Zoo also gave birth to a little one!  
* ...and we now also have a contestant on US XFactor: Panda Ross

Jokes aside, I thought the blog needed a flashier name..and after the suggestion of great friend, we now have... Pandinterest! I hope you guys like it.

Onto the big news:!pambassador

" Six fortunate, charismatic and environment-conscious individuals, will have the unique opportunity to spend a month at the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding and giant panda nature reserves. 

The six Pambassadors will assist researchers and scientists by helping to raise awareness for giant panda conservation issues by blogging to millions of people around the world about their daily work. They will also study in detail the panda’s behavior, carry educational research and provide medical care. "

And that is for a whole month! #China, #Panda, #A.M.A.Z.I.N.G! 

Just to get you inspired, here is a little panda picture from their FB profile. 

There are still 11 days left in the competition.. Good luck! 


Friday, August 31, 2012

Dancing panda

Dancing panda!

I am just starting my day now, slowly after a busy week.. but much to my delight, the first Youtube video I came across is:

Nothing like a dancing panda to start your day just right!

And yes, the video has been modified with different soundtracks, but I much prefer the original. 


Thursday, August 30, 2012

USA panda cameras

USA panda cameras

Zoos in the US seems to be quite generous when it comes to sharing the love with Panda fans around the world (thank God - or whoever else you believe it!)

The Atlanta Zoo is not as generous as other zoos unfortunately. You can get your daily dose of fluffiness only from  Monday – Friday; 10 a.m. – 5 p.m. (EST). 

 I know what you are thinking "boooooo!!" These are my feelings exactly... just not enough!

The San Diego Zoo however has a lot more to offer. You can get your daily fix of Bai Yun, Gao Gao and Yun Zi... but not only! Much to my surprise, the Zoo has a little cub! (How did I miss this?!?).

Bai Yun became a mum in late July. The little one does not seem to have a name yet (exclamation/confused face!) but it weights over 700grams (1.55 pounds) already! 

The greatest thing ever though is that you can see mum and cub live!

Thanks San Diego Zoo! 
Now I know why I always had a thing for Cali!

Til next time,

 For your delight he is a picture of the "breathtakingly adorable" Californian cub!

Panda fix!

Hello World!

Welcome to your Panda Fix. Since discovering these fluffy creatures I have become obsessed of how amazingly unbelievable there are!

Pandas are funny, smart and cuddly!

I have recently visited the Pandas at Edinburgh zoo and I was so tempted to kick the keeper's ass and just hug them!

Here is a picture of Tian Tian doing what she likes to do best...sleep! :)

She is tots amaze! 

You can have you live daily panda fix but having look at what Tian Tian is up to on

Thanks Edinburgh zoo! You are  amazing! 

Til next time World!